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Windows 8 OS with Redesign Logo

Windows 8 OS with Redesign Logo Windows 8 OS, a new operation system of Microsoft, will be unveiled in beta at a "consumer preview" event in Barcelona, Spain on February 29. A clear departure from the old operating systems Windows 8 OS is totally new approach with new logo.

At February 17 post of Windows' official blog announced the redesign of Windows 8 OS. The new logo was developed with the help of design consulting firm Pentagram. The four-colored flag-like hallmark, around since the early nineties, appeared with Windows 7. But now, with Windows 8, it's been replaced with a neat, angled emblem more akin to Windows' namesake. As the representative of Microsoft said: "It's a window...not a flag."  

In addition, Windows 8 users will be able to change the logo's color as they want. Then PC user change the color of interface, at the same time she/he is able to change the logo's color. "It is a 'Personal' Computer after all." 

Other new possibilities offer Windows 8 to users. Normally a user type a password to unlock its PC regains access to the system. Windows 8 gives the user an option to unlock via a combination of touches and swipes, which might sound familiar to Android users.

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