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SEO Basic Instructions

SEO Basic Instructions Basic SEO is very simple and easy. Here are the top points to think about when you're doing it yourself.
1. You will start by registering a domain name, which should reflect what your site is about. Keep it as short as possible. Being more specific can help. You could choose to name the page after one of your products or services, for example.
2. The next thing you should look at is your page's title (i.e. the HTML title tag), which is critical in letting search engines see what the page is about, and is the first item looked at by search engines to determine your relevance. You should put your most important keywords in your title tags and you don't need to worry about singular or plural forms.
3. The description tag is still used by some search engines to display information about your website to users and help them decide whether they've found what they are looking for. For very short descriptions the alt tag can be used. Alt tags let you describe an image or graphic file when the graphic can't be downloaded for any reason.
4. Having keyword density in all of your content is good, but keep in mind that each search engine has its own requirements when it comes to how many times a keyword or phrase should be in the content of the page to be relevant. The limit of somewhere between 5 and 8 percent is a roughly optimal level - but this isn't always possible, and you are not forced to do it. Don't overdo it, or the search engines might mark down your results.
5. Many search engines judge web page importance on the number and quality of incoming links from other sites. You should link to some related sites, but not too many. Don't overdo with this links either, and keep them related your site's content. It's also good to get sites to use your keywords as the text of these links.
If you follow the advice above, you can do it yourself and do fine. SEO can keep you on top positions for as long as you want to be, if done right.

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