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How To Redesign Your Website

How To Redesign Your Website

When and How to redesign
There can be many situations where redesigning the website can be an ideal option and a wise one too. The level of redesign that is required depends on how 'well-designed' is the original site.

It is important to understand the motivating factor behind the redesign process. This will tell you whether to just re-image it or whether to revamp it completely.

There can be several reasons why a website should best be redesigned:

Re-branding a company or the products.
Re-positioning in the marketplace.
Updating the website to meet web standards.
Implementing accessibility or functionality features.
Improve the website's underperformance.
Improving the look and feel of the website
Accessibility Features

Accessibility is a crucial feature in a website design. Not only it dictates the traffic inflow onto your site but it also influences conversion rates.

Keeping up with fashion
In the internet cyberspace, trends come and fall by the hour. And redesigning the website to keep up with trends will have no end to the process.

Value judgments
There is no one way to say whether a website design is good or bad. Something that appeals to the client can be contradicted by the designers and something that the designers suggest may not go well with the client.
However, clear and frequent communication with one another is the key to resolve any such issues. And the users and visitors are the sole judges of the website. People often approach websites in ways that no designer could ever think of. The best time to judge the decisions is at the beginning and throughout the project. You can set up certain objectives and show the clients some sample projects. Discuss all the issues at the meeting with them and come to a common standpoint. Feedback at the later stages should help you evaluate how correct your decisions were.


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+374 60 52 55 00
+374 55 52 55 00
2 º andar, rua Vagharshyan 12a,
0012 Ierevan, na Arménia